New Publication: Hiroshima Report 2018
On April 9, 2018 Hiroshima Prefecture announced the latest publication of the Hiroshima Report. The Hiroshima Report 2018 studies, analyzes and evaluates 36 countries’ performance on nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation, and nuclear security in 2017.
The Hiroshima Report is the 2018 edition, preceded by the Hiroshima Report 2013, Hiroshima Report 2014, Hiroshima Report 2015, Hiroshima Report 2016, Hiroshima Report 2017.
The Hiroshima Report 2018 lays out challenges for nuclear-weapon-states to work on nuclear disarmament, and introduces efforts made by non-nuclear-weapon states.
In announcing the publication, Governor Hidehiko Yuzaki said that he hopes to make the Hiroshima Report more widely known in the world in order to bolster the worldwide momentum for the abolition of nuclear weapons and motivate each country to take new measures for nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation and nuclear security.
Hiroshima Prefecture, the locality that recovered from the destruction caused by the first dropping of an atomic bomb, will continue its various initiatives toward a world free from nuclear weapons.
Hiroshima Report 2018 Evaluation of Achievement in Nuclear Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Security in 2017
- Table of Contents (PDFファイル)(144KB)
- Preface and Acknowledgements (PDFファイル)(142KB)
- Introduction (PDFファイル)(166KB)
- Part I Report: Surveying Trends of Nuclear Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Security in 2017
- Part II Evaluation: Country-by-Country Analysis
- Appendix
- Column (PDFファイル)(262KB)
For further information or to make comments, please contact:
Peace Promotion Project Team
Hiroshima Prefectural Government
Tel. +81-82-513-2368 Fax. +81-82-228-1614
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