[Important] Unauthorized Access to the "Hiroshima for Global Peace" Website (Second Report)
On December 30, 2024, the "Hiroshima for Global Peace" website (hereinafter referred to as "the website") experienced unauthorized access. It was discovered that some pages were altered and there is a high possibility that data and personal information stored on the website's server were leaked. Consequently, the website is currently offline. We immediately consulted with the Hiroshima Prefectural Police after the incident was discovered, and the investigation into the cause is ongoing. We would like to report the current findings regarding the personal information that may have been leaked.
1. Affected Individuals
●Members of the "Hiroshima for Global Peace" website
●Participants who applied for events, such as the "Hiroshima Business Forum for Global Peace," through the website
●Organizations registered with the "Peace Platform Hiroshima"
2. Information at Risk
There is a possibility that information such as names, ages, prefectures of residence, email addresses, phone numbers, and passwords for accessing members-only pages have been leaked. For details, please refer to the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).
3. Continued Requests
●Attention to Suspicious Emails
If you receive a suspicious email, please delete the entire email without opening any attachments or clicking any URLs within the email body.
●Change of Passwords
If you have registered on this website and use the same password for other services, please change it promptly.
This applies to:
・Members of the "Hiroshima for Global Peace" website
・Organizations registered with the "Peace Platform Hiroshima"
4. Contact Information
For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact us at the following address. If you have suffered any damage, we will cooperate with the police.
Hiroshima Prefecture Regional Policy Bureau, Peace Promotion Project Team, "Hiroshima for Global Peace" Unauthorized Access Response Desk
Email: globalpeace@pref.hiroshima.jp
We deeply apologize for any inconvenience and concern this incident may have caused. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
1. Affected Individuals
●Members of the "Hiroshima for Global Peace" website
●Participants who applied for events, such as the "Hiroshima Business Forum for Global Peace," through the website
●Organizations registered with the "Peace Platform Hiroshima"
2. Information at Risk
There is a possibility that information such as names, ages, prefectures of residence, email addresses, phone numbers, and passwords for accessing members-only pages have been leaked. For details, please refer to the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).
3. Continued Requests
●Attention to Suspicious Emails
If you receive a suspicious email, please delete the entire email without opening any attachments or clicking any URLs within the email body.
●Change of Passwords
If you have registered on this website and use the same password for other services, please change it promptly.
This applies to:
・Members of the "Hiroshima for Global Peace" website
・Organizations registered with the "Peace Platform Hiroshima"
4. Contact Information
For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact us at the following address. If you have suffered any damage, we will cooperate with the police.
Hiroshima Prefecture Regional Policy Bureau, Peace Promotion Project Team, "Hiroshima for Global Peace" Unauthorized Access Response Desk
Email: globalpeace@pref.hiroshima.jp
We deeply apologize for any inconvenience and concern this incident may have caused. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
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