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For inquiries regarding the financial support offered by the Hiroshima Prefecture Board of Education(広島県教育委員会が実施する経済的な支援について)

1 High School Tuition Support Fund (Grant) 就学支援金(給付)

A system to provide financial aid to cover monthly tuition or yearly lecture fees (Applications accepted in April / Required for all students)

2 High School Supplemental Scholarship Fund (Grant) 奨学給付金(給付)

A system to provide financial aid to cover school fees other than tuition, such as textbook fees and teaching material fees (Applications accepted in April and July / For eligible persons only)

3 High School Scholarship Loan (Loan) 高等学校等奨学金(貸付)

A system to offer partial loans for school expenses to high school students who are deemed to have difficulties attending school for financial reasons (Applications accepted in April and September / Only for those who wish to apply)

4 High School Learning Environment Enhancement Scholarship (Grant) 学びの変革環境充実奨学金(給付)

A system to provide students with financial aid to cover the cost of purchasing and otherwise using an ICT device or the like at their parents/guardians’ expense (Applications accepted in July / For eligible students only)

5 Learning Incentive Loan & Allowance for Textbooks 修学奨励金貸付及び教科書給与

Designed to promote learning of working youths in part-time or correspondence courses at high schools and guarantee equal educational opportunity for all, this system offers a learning incentive loan and allowance for textbooks and similar materials to students currently enrolled in part-time or correspondence courses at high schools in Hiroshima Prefecture. (Applications accepted in April / Only for those who wish to apply)


Education Support Promotion Division, Hiroshima Prefecture Board of Education
(広島県教育委員会 教育支援推進課)
  1,2  082-222-3015
  3,4  082-513-4996
  5        082-513-4886
Inquiries are accepted on Mondays to Fridays (excluding public holidays) from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Email: kyosuishin@pref.hiroshima.lg.jp

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